May 26, 2004

A Domestic Victory

Please congratulate Michele on finally, FINALLY, closing on her new home. She and her family have been to hell and back to do it.

As for this blog's current shabby condition . . . I have several disjointed, but soon-to-be-wedded-in-unholy-polygamous-matrimony, ideas simmering around for posts at the moment.

And no time in which to stir them together. With any luck, maybe I'll find some. Probably about the same day someone else writes just what I wanted to write only, you know, coherently.

Posted by Ilyka at May 26, 2004 11:31 PM in hell is other people

Coherency is for the weak of mind and shallow of heart. Real men prefer mental regurgitation.

Posted by: Jim at May 27, 2004 10:53 AM