November 06, 2004

Shorter Unsolicited Advice

Why'd I write all that crap anyhow? Look how easy it is to trim the verbiage:

Righties, people don't like it when you call them traitors, moonbats, and appeasers--unless it's demonstrably true that they are, in which case, who cares what they think. (See: Rall, Ted.)

Lefties, people don't like it when you call them stupid, bigoted, and homophobic--unless it's demonstrably true that they are, in which case, who cares what they think. (See: Duke, David.)

There. Was that so hard? Good night. I ought to edit myself more often.

Posted by Ilyka at November 6, 2004 04:34 AM in hell is other people

There was a time when those out of power were thought of as the "loyal opposition." I'm not sure exactly when that sentiment disappeared from public discourse, but I know it's been gone for decades.

Posted by: Roxanne at November 6, 2004 01:27 PM

Once someone figured out that negative campaigns work, the idea of a loyal opposition went right out the window. That negative campaigns do work is one of those facts of politics I am enormously uncomfortable with, because they do not work for me.

I'll hail and cheer anyone who can prove negative campaigns don't work, because until that happens, or until someone finds a tactic that works better, we'll continue to have the Crossfiring of America, with this side being a bunch of x and that side being a bunch of y, and those in the middle stuck watching this ping-pong match with growing disgust.

Posted by: ilyka at November 6, 2004 04:25 PM

Can I still call them commie pinko bastards or nazis (as appropriate)? ;-)

Posted by: Jim at November 8, 2004 02:32 PM