February 23, 2005

Estrogen Week: Our Neighbors to the North Edition

I admit it: I kind of like the blog brouhahas. They help me find more stuff to read--because I don't have enough. I will never have enough.

But all of a sudden, I have lots.

Being American in T.O. has two great roundups posted comprising the work of female Canadian bloggers, writing from a libertarian/conservative perspective. It's quality stuff here: everything from day care to unions (and that store that helps Ilyka eat, Wal-mart) to Condi to the U.N. to ninjas.

Yes, ninjas. Ninja wives. I think Jim's tongue just fell out his mouth.

Oh, and there's something about Hunter S. Thompson in there, too, just in case you can't get enough of that sort of thing.

I can't do it justice, really. Just head over and read and link, read and link. I'm pretty sure you'll find some new additions to your links there.

Posted by Ilyka at February 23, 2005 08:32 AM in estrogen week

Ninja wives? Oh, I am sooooo there!

Posted by: Jim at February 23, 2005 10:59 AM

I'm glad you started Estrogen Week - it's really the only reasonable response to the kind of b.s. promoted by that article!

And thank you for the links. There are some wonderful female Canadian bloggers up here (and some terrific guys, too.)

Posted by: Debbye at February 24, 2005 01:20 AM

Mind if I quote your first paragraph when I start Estrogen Blogger Month at Pen-Elayne next Tuesday? That's how I feel exactly...

Posted by: Elayne Riggs at February 26, 2005 03:40 PM