This week isn't so much for those who are feminists already, as it is for those who:

--don't consider themselves feminists at all;
--aren't sure whether they are feminists or not;
--would have been feminists in Susan B. Anthony's day, but now? Forget it!
--just want to wean themselves from dependency and overreliance on the Strawfeminist in their arguments with actual, non-straw-based, feminist lifeforms.

Now might be a good time to confess something: There is a high likelihood that I am, in fact, the least qualified person ever to attempt this. Please keep that in mind. I don't pretend to be an expert on feminism, nor will I attempt to define an official feminist position on any issue.

I am only an increasingly frustrated woman who has run out of martinis, and for that, I blame the Strawfeminist.

For the remainder of the week, please feel free to bypass this introduction with this link to the main blog. I know I ain't clicking through those stick figures again, no way, José.

And, as always, I welcome complaints, suggestions, OFFERS TO ASSIST OR GUEST-BLOG (hint-hint), and howls of outrage; please send them to ilyka(the "at" symbol)

(Okay, shut up already.)