March 31, 2004

Because Sometimes, It Just Needs Sayin'

Bitch, get a job.

And don't anyone come over here and get all up in my grille about my being heartless. "Heartless" is having spent as much time as this woman has on chasing the money. That's heartless.

UPDATE 03/31/2004: It could be that Eason lacks the skillz to pay the billz.

Posted by Ilyka at March 31, 2004 01:49 PM in news

Damned straight. The 9/11 fund is there because the government wanted to force settlements instead of letting people sue for redress. It sucks like hell that Danny was killed but his situation has nothing at all to do with the 9/11 fund.

Don't journalists who go into dangerous overseas locations get insurance because of the (at least relatively) higher chance of getting killed?

Posted by: Jim at March 31, 2004 02:32 PM

Don't journalists who go into dangerous overseas locations get insurance because of the (at least relatively) higher chance of getting killed?

Apparently not enough to keep her in the latest Parisian fashions, no.

I figure golddigging is evil enough behavior for a woman to engage in when the dude's alive. Using his tragic death and memory to do it is unconscionable.

Posted by: ilyka at March 31, 2004 02:50 PM

Can you say "I just want my lottery winnings?"

Just damn! Talk about a cold-hearted (and rough looking in the CNN article) broad!

Posted by: mhking at March 31, 2004 04:04 PM