April 03, 2004

Repost, Or, Jim Asks Too Nicely to be Refused

(It's the stepchild of the cousin of the incredible disappearing post from last night, back from the dead. Thanks go to the usual suspects.)

I wasn't going to say anything about the dustup at Daily Kos because I felt it had been covered better and more thoroughly elsewhere.

But something flashed into my head just now that won't go away. Now you know I can stretch analogies to the breaking point and this isn't any different, so bear with me a minute while I try to lay it out.

As revenge for this incident, I made my boyfriend rent Nighthawks the other night. This is an almost-forgotten 1981 film about a terrorist. It stars two guys. One of them is Sylvester Stallone. If you guessed that he's the one I have a huge crush on, you don't know me at all.

No, the whole point of Nighthawks is Rutger Hauer. This is the guy Anne Rice had in mind for the role of Lestat in Interview with the Vampire. Instead, she got Tom Cruise and a whole boatload of money to do an about-face of her earlier criticism of that casting choice, and claim that Tom Cruise "is my Lestat." And of course he isn't, but--look, let's not get me started on that asshole Tom Cruise when I've got Rutger to think about. Talk about a thrill kill.

Anyway, there's a scene where Hauer has a bunch of people, including wives and family members of some UN diplomats, trapped on the Roosevelt Island sky car. And he gives them a little lecture, and forgive me for being too lazy to look it up (if it's even available) so I can quote it perfectly for you, but the gist of it is this:

"I work for the oppressed. I care about the downtrodden and helpless. I don't care about you people, the privileged."

And then he blows a woman's brains out.

What I don't like about the entry that appeared on Daily Kos is that he expressed precisely that sentiment.

In other words, Kos sounds just like a bad 1981 film terrorist.

And he won't apologize for it because he thinks he has the moral high ground here. He stands for the oppressed! The downtrodden! The helpless!

No, you don't, Mr. Zuniga. Because the most oppressed, most downtrodden, most helpless, most victimized thing you can be in this life is an individual human being. And there were four of those murdered in Fallujah.

There are more individual human beings out there with more individual stories in them than a small mind like yours could ever imagine.

Remember that the next time you claim that we can overlook the lives of a few in favor of others more oppressed. Because that begs one question:

Who decides who's oppressed enough to merit living?

As for this:

Oh, they're [the right wing] doing their best to turn me into the devil,
No, darlin'. Your own words did that.

Just fancy anyone lifting a finger to help do what you've done so effectively all by yourself.

But this is how it must be for you because this is the logic you live by. You must demonstrate that you are oppressed, that you are victimized, that you are downtrodden, in order for your life to have value. For you, it is not that you were endowed with certain unalienable rights--for then you would have to extend acknowledgement of those rights to others. Then you would have to acknowledge their humanity. Then you would have to feel guilt and shame for your callous remarks of the other day. Then you would have to acknowledge your own culpability, and then you might feel moved to make amends for it.

You would be a better person for doing so, I believe. But you would lose that intoxicating sense of how ultimately just and right you are. You would be faced with your own humanity and its inherent fallibility.

No, it can only be that you would have rights, you would have justice, you would have morality, if only all those miserable oppressive pigs didn't keep trying to rob you of them.

It has to be this way for you. Otherwise, you might have to count yourself among the privileged. And then you might be tempted to blow your own brains out, because everyone knows the privileged have no humanity:

They are there to wage war for profit. Screw them.
Get used to seeing those words everywhere, Kos. Get used to seeing them again and again and again. And when you tire of seeing them, remember this:

George W. Bush did not write them.

Donald Rumsfeld did not write them.

Dick Cheney did not write them.

Condoleeza Rice did not write them.

Halliburton did not write them.

The right wing did not write them.

You wrote them.

And maybe, if you ever want to take a break from lying underneath the jackboots of oppression, you could acknowledge that properly, without excuses, without justifications, and with an apology to the families of those you dismissed.

But I won't hold my breath waiting for it.

ONE REALLY STUPID UPDATE: I just realized that last night's version of this included a link to the creator of worlds, and that I'm still listed in the trackbacks for it. So here's the link. Peace be upon him, indeed.

AN UPDATE I CAN'T RESIST even though we've probably all had enough of this already: It's a fisking to end all fiskings. "You've neutered yourself and are too numb to feel it." Terrific--my male cats now have a reason to be jealous of Kos.

Posted by Ilyka at April 3, 2004 05:19 PM in hell is other people


Posted by: Jim at April 3, 2004 11:42 PM

Brilliant. I'm glad Jim is an insufferable pest.

Or whatever you called him. Heh.

Posted by: Emma at April 4, 2004 12:14 AM

I might be a pest Emma, but I'm hella sufferable.

I went to the Daily Kos to look around. It's absolutely horrific. I honestly don't see how people can have that much hate inside them and still function in society.

Kos was not the only one with sentiments like that. In fact the majority of commenters there were of that ilk. I was quickly reminded of why I don't read comments at Little Green Footballs. Different team, same gameplan.

The rationalizing took a couple standard routes:

1) They were mercenaries and they got what they deserved.

2) They were there to make money. They knew it was risky but they were greedy and they lost the gamble. Thems the breaks, too bad so sad.

3) They were there voluntarily so what's the big deal? They knew the score. Our soldiers are there because they're being forced to be there. If it had been four soldiers I would care.

4) They weren't Iraqi. Why don't we ever hear about Iraqi deaths? 4 American civilians die and it's the end of the world. What about the thousands of Iraqi civilians?

I very much wanted to comment and dissect each of these inhuman thought groups but I find that I am unable to come up with anything except a long stream of profanity when I think of them. Maybe I'll stew a bit and work on them later.

Posted by: Jim at April 4, 2004 01:36 AM

I am unable to come up with anything except a long stream of profanity when I think of them. Maybe I'll stew a bit and work on them later.

From the Department of Unsolicited Advice Department, two words:

Socratic method.

Less work for you, more fun for the whole fam damily!

Posted by: ilyka at April 4, 2004 01:54 AM

Most of the people ar LGF are reasonable. There are a few - I won't bother to name them - that are kind of crazy. But it's nothing like the left-wing sites.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 4, 2004 02:49 AM

And the big difference between the anger at LGF and that at Kos is the Type C / Type M thing.

The LGFers are angry with the Palestinians/Al Qaeda/miscellaneous Islamofascists because they keeping murdering people. The comments might go over the top sometimes, but the anger itself is justified.

The commenters as Kos and Atrios and those other hives are angry with Bush and everyone associated with anything he does, because Bush is evil. Everything Bush does is bad because Bush himself is bad. Bush delivers food to starving orphans: Bad! He's planning to fatten them up and sell them into slavery! It doesn't matter what Bush does, or what the outcome is: it's all evil because his motives are evil. (The "M" stands for "Motives". "C" stands for "Consequences".)

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 4, 2004 02:57 AM

Don't even get me started on the "lefty mentality." I live amongst a whole gaggle of those idiots and, as a military spouse and mother-in-law, my palms itch to slap them.

"Hella sufferable?" Oh, Jim, I KNOW you are. Have you forgotten who nominated you for sexiest blogger??? Hmmm?

Right. It wasn't ME. It was my evil twin.

Damn! Almost outed myself, there.


Posted by: Emma at April 4, 2004 05:33 AM

thanks for the do-over of your post. it is excellent. (please accept apologies for unchecked misspellings herein, my system is about to crash so i cannot check my work.)

i know when i write, in email or blog, i wonder if perhaps i will regret it later. your article-retraction-rewrite is a perfect example for what Kos should have done. i really didn't fault him for his initial reaction, which i thought was honest if horrid, but i continue to be amazed at his inability to withdraw from that position.

when he reads this, as he surely will, perhaps he will learn from your example.

Posted by: rammer at April 4, 2004 07:51 PM

After reading that, it almost makes me wish I could actually understand the language you humans use.

Posted by: Kang A. Roo at April 4, 2004 07:54 PM

Kang, i'm sorry if i was not clear. i think there is a separation between saying something and meaning it. sometimes, in moments of emotion, people say or do things that they regret or even disagree with.

so, i am surprised that Kos didn't recant most of what he had written the following day.

Posted by: rammer at April 4, 2004 10:00 PM