September 09, 2005

For Pet People

Ith pointed me to this:

The thing I want to say is simply that there are thousands upon thousands of animals stuck out here, on car roofs, on porches, cats on roofs of houses. We saw no other animal rescue orgs anywhere. I know they’re all doing good work on the peripheries … but, oh man … you see and hear these fluff pieces on TV of people being reunited with their pets, and you look around out here on the boats at this vast, endless wasteland of toxic water and animals hanging on, 11 days after the hurricane, and their time is running out.
So see what you can do, huh? I used to give to Best Friends regularly, and they're a great outfit. I'm not surprised to find out they're right there in the thick of the things, trying to help.

Posted by Ilyka at September 9, 2005 07:59 PM in chariblogging | TrackBack

This stuff completely breaks my heart. I gave already to the ASPCA 2005 disaster relief fund.... but it's just so depressing.

Posted by: esther at September 11, 2005 11:44 AM