April 08, 2004
Odds & Sods
(That title is a little too too, isn't it? Oh well. You get what you get around here.)
In between the drudgery of chores and errands I will most likely be checking in here, for the transcripts of the Condoleeza Rice testimony. And someone remind me to put up a link to the Command Post on my blogroll. Oh, and to snag that flag graphic Jim did up (in response to this). I swear I am the laziest person about site maintenance. Not good. Not good at all.
Other things:
This is an apology. In fact, if ever you're in doubt about how to apologize to someone, just use that as a template. Note the brevity. Apologies need not contain the story of your childhood.
"Welcome to the internet (wear a cup)." Am I linking it because it arose out of an offhand comment I made in an e-mail to Jim? You bet I'm linking it because of that. But also, because I feel guilty that I can't afford to buy Jim's CafePress stuff, but maybe some of you can, and might. Anyway, the whole elegant line of items is here.
Don't tell S-Train which black folks to like and which to scorn. In fact, if you want my advice, you don't tell S-Train anything. That's why I love him.
Idle question of such shallowness and froth that I should be ashamed of it, but I'm not: is wankette.blogspot.com taken? (If the permalinks are sketchy, search out the post titled "Wonkette Accuses Republican Women of Being Lesbian; Invents Stunning New Pun on Name 'Bush'.")
I'm not proud of this, but I'm bad enough with numbers that I can't follow the math in this article from 09/2003. (Also, I know I snagged the link to it from somewhere this past week, but do you think I remember where I found it? Ha!) I can, however, work out the reasoning, and now I wish I'd found the damn thing earlier. So . . . do I get partial credit? No? Boy. You people aren't nearly as kind as my bus driver. He always tells me how special I am. Some day I will drive that bus myself.
Posted by Ilyka at April 8, 2004 07:45 PM
in i don't know you tell me
Aw, thanks. I'd give you half the profits but everything's at cost. Hell, if somebody wants to buy something with my website on it that's all the profit I need right there. Dang, am I easy to please or what?
I can't take credit for that flag graphic either. I came across it a few years ago when I was looking for a gavel graphic. I really liked the Liberty/Justice vibe. I have no recollection at all of where I found it and it's impossible to find the source now. Do a Google image search on flag and gavel and you'll see what I mean. That graphic is everywhere.