December 07, 2004

Beyond American Bandstand*

From this choice thread at Protein Wisdom:

Once, [bloggers] were rock and roll. Now we’re Yanni.
I can never remember if that's better or worse than being John Tesh.

I'm pretty sure it's better than being David Hasselhoff, but not by much. Hey, at least Hasselhoff helped end the Cold War.

The deliciousness of that comment appearing in a thread that begins with Jeff and Allah consoling each other through their shared bitterness at not being endorsed by Meryl Yourish is . . . yeah, well, you know. You can't make this shit up.

We don't care about these contests, except when we do, which is 99% of the time. Look at me, all pissed off about being in the 5000-6750 category because the Ecosystem uses an old link for me. I don't care, really? Except when I do, which is perhaps not all the time but is still way too much of it.

Anyway. Divas.


Posted by Ilyka at December 7, 2004 11:43 PM in i don't know you tell me

I'm not bitter about it. She actually said some very nice things about me during the Rathergate business, which I really appreciated. I was just goofing a bit with Jeff.

For what it's worth, I hope she wins her category.

Posted by: Allah at December 8, 2004 12:11 AM

So I can't even look forward to a Mariah-vs.-Whitney-style showdown? I swear there is no joy in this life.

Tangentially, and not that you need my advice or anything, but if you ever return to blogging I'd love to see a post from you along the lines of what you said at Vanderleun's. That was dead on.

Posted by: ilyka at December 8, 2004 12:20 AM

Thanks. Can you imagine a comeback post like that, though? Title: "You're All Tedious".

I've actually talked about it with Michele and told her it would be the blog equivalent of storming Omaha Beach. Furious fire from every direction. Talk about your Mariah-vs.-Whitney showdowns.

Posted by: Allah at December 8, 2004 12:36 AM

This is one of those times I'm grateful to be among the small fry because otherwise it'd be T minus 1 to the first comment shrieking "OMG Allah! Allah's back! Make me a Photoshop, Allah!" Now that's tedious.

If anything redeems weblogs from tedium it's the personal aspect. It's why even when I'm off reading them for weeks at a time I'll still check out a handful of favorites, Michele's among them--because I like Michele's "voice," I guess. The opinions are secondary to that. You know, she could write about Welcome Back, Kotter episodes and song lists from now until doomsday. I'll still read it.

Posted by: ilyka at December 8, 2004 01:12 AM
This is one of those times I'm grateful to be among the small fry because otherwise it'd be T minus 1 to the first comment shrieking "OMG Allah! Allah's back! Make me a Photoshop, Allah!" Now that's tedious.

Yes, it is. I don't mean to be an ingrate in saying that, either; of course I appreciate people who liked my stuff. But I feel like the Norm Peterson of the blogosphere now. I got a big kick out of the guy today on Goldstein's thread who told me to just shut up and dance, monkey. A little reality check is worth its weight in gold.

As for being a fan of Michele's, you're preaching to the converted.

Posted by: Allah at December 8, 2004 01:23 AM

The thread over at Goldstein's is interesting on many levels.

This whole thing has read like a massive sociological experiment.

Posted by: michele at December 8, 2004 01:36 AM

The thread over at Goldstein's is interesting on many levels.

True. I wasn't kidding about the "choice" descriptor.

As for the Norm Peterson thing, maybe it's just been too long since I've seen an episode, but I seem to recall that for all everyone loved to greet Norm, few patrons, if any, ever bought the dude a beer. You could make Allahpundit subscription-only (and for the Photoshops alone, it'd be worth the money) and the "dance, monkey" guys would have posts everywhere titled variations of "Allah Sells Out."

I think that guy was actually going for in-your-face funny, but it just came off dickish. Proof that humor is no business for amateurs, self extra-especially included.

Posted by: ilyka at December 8, 2004 01:41 AM

I love that thread. No really. I heart it.

I don't have a dog in this hunt -- and I'm not bitter. Next year - CRAP BLOGS!!

Or not. That would be me + all the rest. I just can't win. Aheh.

Posted by: Margi at December 8, 2004 01:50 AM

Next year - CRAP BLOGS!!

The Crappies. I can see it. Most Pedantic. Most Shrill. Most Derivative. Most Likely to Stalk a Member of the Mainstream Media.

You could never narrow the finalists per category to 15, though, is the problem.

You wouldn't be among them anyhow, Margi. I think I hang out in your comments more than most places anymore and I definitely read you more than I read, say--no, on second thought, let's not turn it ugly by naming names.

That devil on my shoulder needs to shut up and sit down. Damn.

Posted by: ilyka at December 8, 2004 02:19 AM

Squirting tears over here. My god. (Not to be confused with Allah.) You made my whole year, kiddo.

You're so going on the Christmas card list.

Posted by: Margi at December 8, 2004 02:33 AM

Bitterness can be clarifying, I find. Plus it's good for the pores.

Posted by: Jeff G at December 8, 2004 03:11 AM

My skin should be FLAWLESS, then.

Posted by: Margi at December 8, 2004 03:24 AM

Oh, and I said it (badly) over at Michele's but: I just LOVE how the "experts" show up in the comments to a post like Jeff's -- and not a ONE of them links back to a blog. They don't have one? So, ahem. Excuse me, but what, exactly, makes you an expert on the subject, then. Huh?

Any. Way.

I would never presume to advise a blogger on how he/sh/it can advertise, make their blog better, MUCH LESS say things like "Dance, boy."

Rude. Un-fucking-believable.

Posted by: Margi at December 8, 2004 03:37 AM

First person to use the pore setup to go for the obvious dirty-minded facial joke gets it in the nads. Or the ovaries, in the event I wind up making it.

Posted by: ilyka at December 8, 2004 03:37 AM

Aside to Margi: Neither of us is exactly having a profitable night here, huh?

Posted by: ilyka at December 8, 2004 03:39 AM

Sorry 'bout that, Ilyka. I believe I got my chocolate in your peanut butter.

Posted by: Margi at December 8, 2004 03:39 AM

Easily. Distracted.

Oooh! Look! Wallpaper!

Posted by: Margi at December 8, 2004 03:40 AM

She finally shut. Up. And I've been working since 11:00 a.m., so I've done my time. Besides, it's one of those days where I type: defednant. Five million times. My fingers are just not with it tonight. I quit.


Posted by: Margi at December 8, 2004 04:24 AM

Yanni? Nah, Englebert Humperdinck.

Oh, and Margi, you'd never be on the crap blog list. Silly girl!

Posted by: Ith at December 8, 2004 05:10 PM

Yeah, but did you notice that after I endorsed Frank, Jeff blew past him into second place?

I think you might be onto something with that endorsement thing, Allah.

Posted by: Meryl Yourish at December 9, 2004 06:56 PM

Yeah, but did you notice that after I endorsed Frank, Jeff blew past him into second place?

This is why I'm trying so hard not to endorse anybody: It equals Kiss of Death. My favorite blog design, for example, is Solotude's--and the guy is dead last. So in my universe, in which I am the center of things, believe me, there IS a connection.

Posted by: ilyka at December 9, 2004 11:36 PM